Author: muraschal
Swiss Bitcoin Conference 2024
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Swiss Bitcoin Conference in Kreuzlingen, part of the Nerd Academy initiative. Alongside Bastian Feder from Lipa, I presented our approach to using the Lightning Network for “Plebs” – enthusiastic Bitcoin users keen on integrating this advanced technology into their daily lives. We discussed the fundamentals…
Bitcoin Deaccumulation Strategy & Why buying a tiki bar with 0.1 Bitcoin is a smart decision.
Why buying a tiki bar with 0.1 BTC is a smart decision.
Book: Der Bitcoin Standard
Der Bitcoin-Standard ist ein Buch von Saifedean Ammous, das die Bedeutung von Bitcoin als eine Alternative zum Fiatgeldsystem erklärt. Es geht auf die Geschichte des Geldes ein und zeigt, wie Bitcoin die Revolution des Geldes vorantreibt.
Bitcoin’s Revolution: Navigating the Future with Mises and Darwin
Explore the transformative world of #Bitcoin through the eyes of two legendary thinkers, Ludwig von Mises and Charles Darwin, in ‘Bitcoin’s Revolution: Navigating the Future with Mises and Darwin.’ This thought-provoking video delves into the depths of economic theory and evolutionary insight, drawing parallels between the disruptive nature of Bitcoin and historical shifts in financial…
Cryptographic Reverie: The Lightning Odyssey
I’ve seen transactions you people wouldn’t believe. Satoshis shimmering on the cusp of the Lightning Network, cascading through channels dark and vast as the interstellar voids. I watched as they danced gracefully between nodes, their luminous trails whispering tales of a decentralized future in the virtual abyss near the mempool’s edge. Bitcoins transacting through the…